Sunday, February 24, 2013

Retracing Baby Steps to Sanity.. :)

Little Sparks of Madness

 No, I didn't colour my hair blue because I was bored. Don't freak out Mom, I only got a tattoo. 
Not that there's a hard and fast rule against getting a tattoo when you're bored, but as a matter of opinion, if you want something permanent, go read a little so you have the best option inked permanently. Spontaneity could possibly make you go through several laser removal sessions!

Coming back to this post, I've wanted a tattoo for as long as I can remember- even before I saw one in real life. Yes, of course I was scared of the pain, and unfathomably nervous about something I wanted so badly. So there was never a good time or a design that I really liked, or anything I truly wanted to carry on for my entire life. I mulled through designs, poured over posts, nudged my friends about their tattoo ideas and generally drew up a whole zero every which way I looked. Finally I googled "LIFE" and waited for the search results. It was my last shot, and I was almost resigned to my fate. Yet, the moment I came across this  design and read further, I knew I wanted the ancient angelic Zibu Script.

The symbol I chose expresses the desire to choose life. Yes, unfortunately I have heard too many renditions of "choos lo life ko", the pun on the 'choose versus choos' (in Hindi) quickly losing its originality.
However, the basic premise of the symbol is in its symmetry, that syncs into the monotone and eggs you on to thirst for more. A constant reminder- to breathe, to feel. The core belies the desire to open yourself up to new experiences, to inhale in the astounding beauty of survival. To let yourself soak in the spirit, to attune yourself to a higher philosophy- that of Life Itself. 

Your choices make you the person you are, and today, I make the choice to free myself, and to live every second, every moment, and the million sighs in every breath.  

I dedicate this tattoo to my Dadu, and my Dad- both of them inspired me in vastly different ways and yet left a long lasting impression which has today morphed into an indelible symbol that shall inspire me every day for the rest of my life.


David said...

Puchi!! Dada eddum proud - munu eddum trying to be puchki khedi again!

ForSale said...

1 person likes this :)


me... said...

when you put it like that, nobody would be able to say anything against it!